>XSL Tools Debugging Documentation

>I finally forced myself to write some basic user documentation for the XSL Tools debugger. It covers the differences between the base eclipse platform debugger, and some of the new XSL Tools specific functionality and views. I suspect to release these changes to XSL Tools 1.0M5 as soon as WTP promotes the 3.1M4 build.

While updating the documentation I took the opportunity to do a bit of tweaking of the DocBook source files and ANT script used to generate the help files. If your project is not already automating the generation of your documentation, I highly encourage you to do so. In fact there are a couple of articles on the wiki on how to do this.

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6 Responses to >XSL Tools Debugging Documentation

  1. Antony says:

    >Any chance of a link to the XSLT Tools user documentation?

  2. David Carver says:

    >Antony, I’ll have it online in a few days, but you can view it from CVS, or check it out from eclipse CVS. This link will take you to the View CVS project that has the information. The plugin you want to check out is org.eclipse.wst.xsl.docThere is also documentation in the eclipse Help system when you install the XSL Tools.

  3. David Carver says:

    >@Antony, the documentation for debugging is now checked in. Any comments or improvements would be greatly appreciated. If you have any please open a bug with the comments.

  4. Antony says:

    >Hiya David, to be honest I can’t install the plugin. I have added the remote site to eclipse but the install complained abount not being able to close a zip file. I have tried to reinstall but all to no avail. Could you please provide some simple instaructions about installing the plugin and all of its dependencies. It seems that Eclipse, at leat since 3.1 has stopped dependency testing and just fails silently. *SIGH*

  5. David Carver says:

    >@Antony, thanks I’ll see what I can do for Installation instructions for the current development version.Best I can suggest right now is to download:Eclipse 3.5 M4 from here:http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/Next you’ll then need to get an install the dependencies for Web Standard Tools from here:http://build.eclipse.org/webtools/committers/wtp-R3.1-S/20081219210304/S-3.1M4-20081219210304/XSL Tools is included, you will need JDT as the launching and debugging support depend on some of the java specific launching abilities from JDT.

  6. Antony says:

    >Hi David, That worked a treat. I look forward to many happy hours of XSLT debugging. Thanks for the instructions and also for the work that you are doing in this area.

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